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Shades and Shadows of white overall

May peace be upon all of you:

Dear readers! I apologise for such a long absence from the scene due to multiple sort of busy activities. But believe me I was quite in touch of my ambition and that is to search something new for you people and for myself,as well, as a food for thought.

Few days back I was in a hospital to see somebody where I, literally, entangled, not physically but verbally, with a doctor over a misguidance to a parent about her Dyslexic boy who was about 7 years of age. I was surprised to hear from a doctor that Dyslexia is an irrecoverable disease so the parents should keep their children on laxative and anti depressant type of medications to maintain the child's brain at peace. Myyy God!!! my head and mind went just blown off and forgetting about my purpose there, I just tapped the doctor's expertise right there. Whether it was right or wrong on my part, but, an untrue generalisation at his part.

My dear readers, you can well imagine, the shadow of agony I saw at the mother's face. The person sitting on the other side of table in a WHITE OVERALL , was expected to behave like a saviour to the sorrowful gloomy patients and their attendants, even to the dying people, but on the other hand, this person seemed, at least to me and that mother, a zombie who wanted to drink our children's blood,live. This is not only in the case of such Specific brain disorders, about which there is, yet, a very little knowledge in Pakistan and other neighbouring South Asian countries, but this merciless discourtesy can also be seen in other health issues. 

Two days back a lady came to me with her hyperactive extremely naughty daughter of 3 years old. She needed some advice for her restlessness and before I could observe her baby, I swayed a look at her swollen hand. I asked her about the swelling and to mu surprise, rather shock, she told she had an IV drip last night and that caused swelling and pain. My shock was not for drip but it was for the fluid in the drip,,, Yes, dear readers, she was treated with Artificial Blood or Blood Surrogate.
On asking the reason she replied that her HB level was not very good and that since she had 2 months pregnancy so the doctor not only advised rather insisted her to go every month for these drips. OMG!!!. How could this white SHADE of WHITE OVERALL be SHADOWED by money this much and how could a saviour indulge in greed to this extent. 

Most of us know that this artificial aid was made only for certain emergencies like accidents, extreme blood deficiencies in case of fatal ailments like cancer or blood drains during operations etc. And in order to maintain Oxygen level throughout the body, these oxygen carriers were formulated. Instead of guiding such pregnant mothers to natural food that are high in vitamins and amino acids etc, these WHITE OVERALLs are pushing them to ultimate darkness slowly and steadily just for a chunk of coins.

I request all of you to raise voice against such acts of either criminal negligence or intentional criminal persuence on the part of such doctors or other health agents.

Stay Blessed          


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